“Capoeirista, historian, sociologist, actor, author, teacher, and inquisitive traveller, Nestor Capoeira presents the reader with a unique and personal vision of capoeira. I hope all students of capoeira will have the opportunity to use his teaching for their own growth and understanding of this art.”
-Bira Almeida (Mestre Acordeon)
“Capoeira has been in the States for twenty years, but there are few books… Nestor’s is of interest not only to capoeiristas, but musi-cians, anthropologists, and lovers of capoeira. This book will help a new generation of capoeiristas on their path.”
-Mestre Jelon Vieira
Nestor Capoeira was initiated by Mestre Leopoldina, a living legend. Later he joined the Senzala Group and in 1969 received the coveted “red-rope,” Senzala’s highest graduation. In 1990 he left Senzala and started to teach his per-sonal approach to the Game at his own school. He has been a pioneer in teaching capoeira in Europe, and his books have been published in France, Denmark, Germany, and the United States. He has worked in film, theater, and television and currently teaches at the Planetário da Gávea in Rio de Janeiro.